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  • Speechless. [Lack Of Evidence]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by Jayke Hendry, Oct 25, 2014.

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    1. Jayke Hendry

      Jayke Hendry Active Member

      Jul 10, 2014
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      My name is Jayke. I'm 17, I live in the UK. My IG is SuperDuperZero. This server has its moments where your like 'omg' but this, has just about done it for me. I recently just got back into Mineverse Op PvP. you know its fun, I have friends I skype with and its all a lot of fun. So I've been playing for about a week now, no connection problems, no nothing. because I like to have everything Optimized and Spect to the top, so I have the best Multi Player experience. I can Screenshot Connection Speed, FPS and my Ping.

      A few minutes ago, I was having a 1 verses 1 against Element_Gam3r, suddenly, I have the feeling that i'm frozen because I'm only getting hit particles against my opponents armor no damage is being dealt, a few seconds later I'm not really sure, maybe around 10-15 seconds, I find myself dead. and a lot of people will agree with me, when you have just died, and you feel like you shouldn't have died it can be frustrating, so I thought the best thing to do. was post on the forums and not react in chat to Element_Gam3r.

      Now I have been playing for just under a week, I have had no connection problems at all. I have the feeling that Element_Gam3r has DDOS attacked me, now I shouldn't have to go into detail of what that is, you mods or whoever's reading this should know what they are, now I experience DDOS on my PS3 Experience of Black Ops 2. Basically, a DDOS is someone who Tracks your IP. sends Packets to your Modem to knock you offline, or to create a Connection Delay. this is a form in my eyes of Cheating/Hacking and not following Mineverse's rules. now I have no screenshots, or video footage of this attack. but its clear to you why I am here.

      I don't want my stuff returned, quite frankly I just want something to be done about it. I may have to start from scratch again, but thats fun, whats not fun is being DDOS while a member of staff is online, PandaBear I think?
      Element_Gam3r was also Conversating with PandaBear in chat after this happened.

      If someone could look into this, and reply to me, or even help me? that'd be much appreciated. If nothing is done about this, I wish to make a full complaint to the server Owner.

      These are screenshots of My Connection Speed. I'm from the United Kingdom, London. I'm with Virgin Media, 60Mbps Wired Connection.

      Attached Files:

    2. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      If you have not notice, everyone was lagging.
      The server was lagging. No one was DDoSing anyone. I, myself, could not have done anything.
    3. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      The server will once in a while recieve unforeseen lag. You just have to deal with it.
      Moving this to the correct section.
    4. Jayke Hendry

      Jayke Hendry Active Member

      Jul 10, 2014
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      Everyone was lagging, but a small group of us was not lagging, I was one of them. some people were posting lag, some were posting what lag?.
    5. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      That does not mean that you were getting doxed.
    6. Jayke Hendry

      Jayke Hendry Active Member

      Jul 10, 2014
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      You call yourself a mod? but your not even reading it correctly.

      Do I have to make myself clearer then this.

      1st Stage. People were complaining of Lag. I was not lagging, and some others were not lagging.

      2nd Stage. Around 5 minutes after the complaints of lag, we 1 verses 1.

      3rd Stage. I'm dead, with the sign of a DDOS.
    7. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      Call it DDoS if you want.
      I couldn't have done anything about it. Not without evidence (of someone actually DDoSing you) anyway.
      And what do you think I could've done?
      Basing off of what the majority of the players were saying in chat, I merely assumed that it was server lag. Sure, I could've helped you by so-call banning the 'DDoSer' if I had a sheer sense of evidence.
    8. Lola Perez

      Lola Perez Boss Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      We can't do anything if you say someone DDoS you and you don't have evidence.
      Doesn't matter if Panda was online, she can't see when you are getting a DDoS attack.
    9. Jayke Hendry

      Jayke Hendry Active Member

      Jul 10, 2014
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      How can I honestly provide evidence. do you want me to record 24/7 everytime I go on? when I play mineverse I feel like I don't have to record 24/7 cause most of its been cleaned up, except for flash hacks on Kit. but I don't play kit because nothing will be done about it.

      If I am to record, where is it to be posted because thats clearly what your asking of me. to record every minute of the game, to get specific evidence. you know this isn't CSI evidence shouldn't need to be used to proof a hacker. every game created, every server. will always have a hacker, I have no intention of lying. I'm quite a good guy, others will tell you. I'm probably amongst the Mature side of the server with everyone almost being aged 10-15. why would I create a fuss, why would I waste my time posting. if it was a Lie. common now, not every one is a goon.
    10. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      I have not recalled ever asking you to record 24/7. Nor anywhere near that.
      I have simply stated a rule we have here.
      A simple "I'm gonna DDoS you." screenshot of someone saying that to you is bannable.
      So unless you have any sufficient proof of someone DDoSing you, we can not do anything about it.
    11. Jayke Hendry

      Jayke Hendry Active Member

      Jul 10, 2014
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      A smart hacker wouldn't reveal their going to DDoS someone now would they. Confused.
    12. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      Some hackers aren't smart now, are they?

      Closing this thread due to lack of evidence.
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