Your ingame name: iJoacok The offender's ingame name: simonrock75 Philip320 adamfasr A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: TP Trap for Sword Skill. Evidence/screenshots. I have been saying all the time, But they still getting unbanned when they TP Trap, Im done of Recording them and they can just cry and get unaban like William did some days ago. I Think they should have a ban for almost a week my godO_o Thanks.
@PopIs_MyLife ********I wanna do this report but I'm gonna hand this over to you because I wont be able to ban them ingame for another couple of days***********************
******************************************************************************************************************************I don't know since he requested the tp..... but since they trapped him I think it's a full ban and Philip has had more tan 3 chances of being unbanned and it's time for it to end.