Hey, i've been putting blocks over my chest and i've even blocked some out in all ways. I can't have any proof because its probably a block glitch and I can't record a guy trying to raid me when I'm not around. This guys username is artunerk. My food chests has been isolated in blocks yet he manages to get them. I don't know if block glitching is allowed but please fix this problem. He's giving out my items for his unfairness. Thanks
Hes enemied and the fac members are helping me work on the new base extend, he cant get into the double chests with 2 blocks on it so its no force op but probably block glitching
Unless you trust your fac members that much I would think you have a traitor I've seen it happen to a lot of people. They take a little until someone finds out and they go in and raid you. Check /seen and see if any where on when you got raided