Your ingame name: Glitcher726 The offender's ingame name: Sticstar A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: The Proof isn't exact but it is so obvious, OP Factions has been around for a little over a week (8 Days) There is absolutly no way a player could have already retrieved 126 Zombie Spawners that quickly. Zombie Spawners aren't even sold in the shop, I don't know where to get them, but if it's from dungeons, Theres a 0% Chance your going to find 126 Dungeons in a week. Evidence/screenshots. Sticstar auctioning the 126 spawners to troll the other players (Canceling short after) Me /invsee Sticstar It was done on the old factions, why couldn't it be done here? THeres no way a player could retrieve this many spawners that quickly
IGN: Sticstar. This is outrageous. Ok i think i need to get something strait here, i did not dupe these spawners. In fact i legitimately killed a guy and HE had them and i simply reaped the rewards. I apologise for trolling, I can easily stop doing that, trust me. But i did NOT dupe. This is a false accusation.
Do you know the guy you killed, Im completly positive these are duped Spawners. Maybe you didn't and you won't be banned, But Somebody did duplicate these spawners. Sorry BO$$
I'm afraid i didn't get his name, it all happened so fast. All i know is that i didn't dupe. Thanks for understanding.
Unless there's proof behind the spawners being duped by him, there's nothing that can happen. If he raids a duper, then he shouldn't be banned for taking the duped items, but him selling duped items is perfect means to take them all.
Sorry about this, but you shouldn't be posting in this thread. Otherwise you'll receive an infraction.
The day I receive an infraction for dropping in a ban appeal/report will be the day I laugh for two straight hours. As for the report, if theres no extra evidence, it can't be a ban, only a confiscation of the spawners.
I'm confused, what make you any different to all the other members on mineverse? I mean, it's not like you're a Mod or anything.