Your ingame name: OoCreeperZoO The offender's ingame name: Camel45 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Trying to Auction Scam and telling me im a dick. Evidence/screenshots.
If you can't read it clearly says Auction has ended with no bids so I don't see how this is auction scamming, Also if you read the rules it says have common scene which you clearly don't have, every player that has basic knowledge of minecraft knows that Maps don't tp you its a joke.
Also D**k Can mean Duck Dark and other things I don't see why you think of "Dicks" Keep that to your self
Well, you still attempted to do it and considering u said your a dick creeperz means u did try to auc scam but never typed it fast enough aswell as that the reason u said ur a dick creeper to me is because I told everyone it does not and therefore that proves that you tried to auc scam.
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.