Mute evading is bannable I told u in the appeal, you could of asked a mod to unmute you if it was incorrect or wait
As I said already you could of asked a mod to unmute u if it was incorrect or wait out the time for your mute to go
It was a mistake and I am sorry, I wasn't thinking. I didn't ask for help on forums because I forgot my password, I didn't guess it until I had to make the ban appeal.
? As I said to you mute evading is bannable and the second response I have no idea what you meant. You keep on disrespecting me for you to get unban and in the one in infection I never said what u said in that thread.
Please this has been the worst week of my life I got a burn on my arm which is infected, my girlfriend moved away, I have 3 big exams for school which I need to study for and now I am banned :(
Why make this thread in the first place when we were discussing in the appeal and I was thinking about what to do. You disrespecting me also makes it harder on me. I only just came off break. Getting help isn't an excuse to use an illegal command
Doesnt mean you should direspect me its been a bit of stressful week for me as well but I wasn't disrespecting anyone