Sorry to post here but this could or could not be x-ray since they first off dug straight on the wall of it so it could of been pure luck as well. I think one of you mods should investigate and get a bit more proof before anything is done.
Wait then if you put it that way yes hacks you can't see spawners and stuff when world doesn't load you just proved to have hacks... Way to go!
actually if the server lags when you place a block sometimes you can see the caves and dungeons and stuff.
First off, the dungeon was 6 to 7 blocks down, you can hear that from the top. Second, there is no proof provided of using xray hacks. What happens on has nothing to do with here. She dug down. Third there is something called server lag/latency and even your/our own lag. Many times I go into a server or a new world and the map doesn't fully load and I can see through the ground until it buffers, same thing could have happened here. Unless you have actual proof to provide do not report please. Locking and Archiving.