Before I start I would like to say that I was ontop of the Fence to attempt to prevent people from crossing over, which only 3 did, I was just there to be in reporting range. Your ingame name: Glitcher726 The offender's ingame name: Eboy987, fizzywizzygo, and winstoncohrssen (I got the names zooming into the images A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: ALl 3 Jumped from the top of the carnival border to Jungle crossing the bridge that someone made somehow. Evidence/screenshots.
i Mean, in the first place how would that wood even get there?, we need to solve this. But those players crossing the map was like jumping off hyjacked on to winter.
People been saying that earlier in infection people broke blocks as everyone can break blocks therefore some got wood and builded a bridge
Wait there is no dirt on the map desert?so how did that dirt block appear next to the ladder? I think it was noobcrew
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