Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: dash145 The offender's ingame name: shadowkiller1102 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: he said to tpa to him and that he would not kill me but then i tpa there and he killed me Evidence/screenshots. yes but not of him hacking but he hacks i have evidence of him scamming. in this first pic he is seen trying to kill me ok here is the pic of him killing me and he said he wouldnt here is the next 1 above is the pic of him saying he wont kill me (he lies)
Not to burst your bubble but there no real proof. Just because he said he wasnt going to kill you doesnt mean its a scam. You fell for it, so its ur fault
Ok the only way it would be tp trapping is if he told you to tp for team or raid or something. Him saying he wont kill you isnt tp trapping. You tp'd at you own free will so its you fault. Ask anyone They will tell you if he didnt tell you to tp for something its not tp trap
and he tried the tpahere scam where you do /tpahere and right before you accept you do /tpa and then you get into our base he tried that and again are you a mod