Your ingame name: OoCreeperZoO The offender's ingame name: badman168 and IPAD1201 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: So if u look near the end badman is about to die so he /srm tp plot** he tpd to his plot which is unfair in pvp because he's done this like 5 times when I was gonna kill him then IPAD cheated because if u watch near the middle he stops moving I get healed and he walks which means he healed me to get rid of my regeneration and strength II Evidence/screenshots.
The /healing is not aloud I know that for a fact but /srm should become a new rule because it is unfair I have fought him 5 times and he /srmd like 4 and I got healed twice so I could've got a lot of loot but instead it ends up with me dying because I don't cheat.
Are you saying that /heal in battle is not allowed? That assumption is almost as dumb ad you posting contraband on the forums...
No i'm saying that abusing to /healing others to remove there pots is not aloud if someone heals u in battle to get rid of ur pots that is basically abuse.
Someone using heal at all on any person is to their own extent. If you bought the donorship then you get to use it to your ability.
There is no rule against using /heal to remove potion effects. Get more potions in your hotbar for that reason, they have a cooldown with the command. Not against the rules. Neither is srm tp.