Your ingame name: ninja_squares Moderator name: Glaadiator A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: The official rule of hellblock says death warp is not banable offense and I was banned for "advertising" someone else's death warp. I assume Glaad just banned me because her friend told her too because Glaad wasn't even online when i got banned. When I was on someone said they were gonna get their friend to ban me (but i do not have evidence to support this).I made a ban appeal and she respond how do i know you want do it again. I told her the official rules say death warp is not a banable offense and told her she could take away my privilege to make warps or mute me. I have waited 5 days for her to respond which kind of makes me upset since I shouldn't even be banned and your moderators should know the official rules. So the main reason for this report is being banned for something I shouldn't be banned for and that she is taking a long time to respond. Evidence/screenshots.-heres the link to my ban appeal
I know death warps are not allowed but if you look at official rules it says if you create a death warp you will lose privileges to make warps, not get banned. Plus I didn't even make the warp.
That's like saying any of the rules in this thread are not bannable for. You don't need in every rule directly saying, "Scamming is not allowed you will be banned", "No swearing you will be banned", "No deathwarps you will be banned", etc. Use common sense, if it's against the rules then it's punishable.
It doesn't matter if you didn't create the warp or not, your intention was to trick and kill people for their items. Also, your appeal has been taken care of.
Glaad has been busy, she has stated it multiple times. She is excused for that absence. She is back now. She handled your appeal. You were wrong for advertising a death warp. Common sense dictates that if some one could die by you tricking them into a death warp... you prob shouldn't do it. You are misinterpreting the rules for your benefit however death warps have always been banable on every server that has the ability to set warps. This has been resolved. The mod in question is not at fault.