>Not using the template as it bugged out and ruined my post. I will not name names, as this (like the title suggests) is at every Moderator, not one in particular. I want every Moderator to post on this, without being tagged or directed here. I don't want this being spread around, keep it to yourself and see how many other staff members either see it or ignore it. If you do get linked to this thread it just shows that someone is trying to cover for you and help you along the way, this is not what I'm reporting as covering weaknesses is a good idea. This is mainly for the forums, theirs no structure and the Moderators don't care about the forums. The Reports and appeals section need to be checked daily, some of you don't do that. Heck most of you don't check or deal with these sections at all. Okay, now onto the actual report. I am reporting every single Moderator, not to cause panic or get them demoted, but to make them realize that they're lacking, this isn't something I just decided to do. When I was a Mod the only thing running through my mind was "Damn, if I was an Admin some of these guys would be gone" bad mindset to have and it's not because you have weaknesses, your strengths aren't outshining them and your teammates aren't covering them. As of this post I can see 4 people breaking the forum rules by having multiple accounts, I have reported every single one of these and nothing was done. This is apart of your job, do it. And the other thing is when I go in-game and ask you for help do not send me a reply saying you're new and not sure what you should be doing. I'm sorry but that's a pathetic excuse, and it needs to be stopped. Ask other Moderators for help or read the topics in the Mod section. Theirs no excuse for your laziness but leech the Moderator rank when you refuse to take the steps to learn. Activity, something 95% of you lied about in your application, when you said you'd be on for 5 hours a day I expect you to stick with that. Yes, I stalked you. Your five minutes on one server each day is not enough. Another point, spending 3 hours on one server (Unless you're a guard) is bad to do. You need to split your time, that's how a HUB server works. Some mods haven't been in a certain gamemode for weeks, that's not what you should be doing! I realize things come up, but that's just an excuse to cover your inactivity. Players cannot see your inactivity threads, so at least attempt to be active on the forums and contribute, oh and before I finish this up, do not sit silent and play, you're there to to help people, what happened to you asking if anyone needs help? For an odd reason you all stop that once you get the rank. I expect a post from every Moderator, you don't post and I'll know for certain you're a weak link, you also get directed here then let me know. Trust me, I'll find out. Don't underestimate me. You all have a lot of work to get into a fully functional staff team.
When I worked for this server I pulled for most the slack. I am not here now to do that and it shows. To the "New" mods: Taylor: You have done 1 report in the time you have come here to "help" the mineverse community. Larry: You have done 4. In addition to the lack of work you have done on forums I have only seen you both in game twice and Larry was afk on KitPvP while players were begging for her to ban the hackers killing them. Kitkat: Despite what I told you the first day you were promoted you obviously did not read all the threads in the mod section. Proof: Handling the report on the forums and using the multimod tool doesn't ban the player in game... there is absolutely no reason I should have to tell you that. Guy: You have been inactive in game as well as on forums for the majority of your time here. I know you agree with this. Now, in their defense the glitches that have been going on for more than a month now are more than an annoyance. They are wearing on EVERYONE that has at least been attempting to get players back in game. They make doing your job as moderator absolutely challenging. I believe it is times like these that draw the line between those who want to be staff to help players and this amazing server and those who are here for a title. These glitches are not going to get fixed anytime soon. I am suggesting that everyone of you think long and hard about why you applied to be staff, because it's not all flowers and candy.... it's WORK.
Taylor works on Skyblock but that is no excuse. I was recently banned for telling her she isn't a good mod (I am unbanned) But she has done nothing tbh.
As what Pile said its not flowers and candy its work. Since currently I am on holidays its easier for me. But we also have to deal with in-game issues and other things. I know being new isn't an excuse but some new mods are still learning and not all mods have permissions on all servers so we cant do those reports. But I understand where your going with this but that is my opinion,
Last I checked this is in the report section. All posts not related or giving actual information needed will be deleted and warning points administered.
This thread isn't an opportunity for you to bash on the mods. Can I also add, people unrelated to the report aren't supposed to post on this. Thanks guys.
Absolutely untrue. Feel free to skim through the first 5 pages of both of these forums: - http://www.mineverse.com/forums/reports-banned.42/ - http://www.mineverse.com/forums/reports.38/ You should do your research before accusing someone.
Not sure what you're talking about. I told Cypriot I'd only do 1 - 2 hours a day and I did it, every day besides in August, which I made a thread for. Unlike some I stepped down when I could not manage that time.
Quite contrary to the fact, Fryzigg has done a astounding amount of reports and has been extremely active. I would like you to appreciate the fact that a moderator can't be online 24/7. We have something called a life. Thank you. Also you have absolutely nothing to do with this report, so I would kindly request that you stop posting on it.
I do not care what section it's in, if people want to add against the report they can, it's always been allowed, off-topic posting in reports is not allowed.
The Mineverse rules are based on the rules I wrote for Skyblock, I know how they work and I know them off by heart. The only time you're not allowed to post in a report is if you're not adding anything at all. Adding evidence is helping the case, if a Moderator deletes your post and infracts you for that, make a report on them as that's powerabuse. I also don't care if this gets agressive, as long as people don't start abusing each other, because then that's to far. IF it does, blame this. That's a quality Moderator reply to a report.
It is quality, you "demanded" a response. My response was completely relevant to your post as you are a hypocrite for creating this. You were one of the most inactive mods on mineverse. Whatever you did for skyblock doesn't matter, this is mineverse. You rarely did reports or help players, in game on prison 99% of the time that you were actually on you were spamming your bow or afk. My post "hypocritical. Lol" is nothing but quality to this thread. It's so much easier for you to report others when you are no longer on the staff team than to actually step up and do things when you were on it. Yes, we have new staff and most are learning. Did we lose the other staff that were super active due to demotions and resignations, yes I agree we have a lot of staff that are not pulling their weight. But coming from you.. Hypocritical.
I don't see your name in here. http://www.mineverse.com/forums/reports.38/ Except for page 2. Wooo, you did three reports! Look at the difference.