Your ingame name: Zero_Inzanity Moderator name: Glaadiator A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They are inactive or they are just ignoring some players in favoritism and hatred Evidence/screenshots. I will post win i get home but she has been ignoring my friend Dillon232's ban appeal for 2 -3 weeks now and she also ignored Twikleluvs (or how you spell it i forgot) for about 5 -6 days now. (Uploading proof in about 2 hours win i get home)
Hi. I'm 15 years old. I go to high school for 7 hours a day and I don't check Mineverse before I leave for school. I come home and have countless amounts of homework, in which I am only allowed to check the forums for an hour each. Lately I have been stressed with work and haven't been able to do much. I am not ignoring these players whatsoever, just busy. If I were too inactive I would request another mod take over my appeals; which is unnecessary since I am able to get online. As for Dillon, I told him to wait a certain amount of time (don't remember what it was) before appealing. He made another appeal after it and I haven't gotten around to denying it yet. However, I believe I should be apologizing more than I should be defending, so I am sincerely sorry that I have seemed inactive. I put my school work before Mineverse and lately have been stressed. Leaving this open as I can't archive my own report.
I understand the hole school thing i go for school 8 hours a day and i get massive amounts of homework to but i still think 6 days or even 2 weeks is a pretty extreme amount of time. Sorry for the report i guess. but still no need for such extended bans for small things. someone lock this
Glaadiator is very good at her job ... i think one of the best here ... and she is always happy when she comes on.. so if u want to report someone report yourself for beeing rude to one of the best mods on this whole server
And someone hacked me while i set up my pc and hacked on every server so... i was banned a long time ago from oppvp 6 month....
You getting hacked is your own stupidity. 2 buttering up to a mod isent going to help you get unbanned 3 Dont download files from people on skype you moron
Glaad I like you as a mod but Zero also has a point I have watched you reply to staff reports and other reports alot lately. But when it came to my appeal it took nearly a week for a reply and all you said was it was denied? Personally i was mad about that i had waited so long to explain myself to you for you to just deny it without questioning my side. All i want is for my appeal to be noticed in atleast 1-3 days not a week later.
She has responded to the appeals you reported her for and she has apologized. She will try to do better. You may pm her for other issues. Resolved.