Umm...idk about /!, but I watched it a few times and it looks like kill aura? I could be wrong, but all that head spinning looks really suspicious. Sorry for the hidden content.
Dude honestly 2 things 1. Stop puting ur intro in reprts thers no point its not like u need it because we know ur philip320 2. /! Is allowed I was talking to pile like 5 days ago about it and she said it was fine to use its a command if we wernt allowed to use it we wouldnt have access to it.
1. It is allowed if one has solid night in a wall and will not loose not to come out from mine 2. These youtube videos still belongs to my channel my intro, I have the right to put in report 3. Stop posting in reports!
This should be closed these is nothing about this in the rules that says you can't /! This command has been around for ever if they really needed to change it it would be gone I can't believe that 3 Mods are discussing this If you said you were familiar with the rules I wouldn't see this stupid report (Ik I'm mini Modding Deal with it) Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.