Your forum name: GizzBots The offender's forum name: iModem A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Although they did not 'directly' say 'ill ddos you' I've read the thread on what they did to Cyp and it doesn't make me feel secure at all. This isn't right. Evidence/screenshots @CypriotMerks I'd like you to see this. It isn't suspicious at all.
Valid proof? You've ddosed before, and what you wrote doesn't match up. It is clear enough for you not to be trusted. This actually makes me feel threatened- and you know what? It makes me feel like I can't even play Kit PvP when your online. This is the only server that I've ever encountered with such a high risk of stuff like this. Me and my family can't afford to risk being ddosed, and why should someone who 'hides' underneath there words a threat like this be tolerated.
No valid proof. My booter could hit off your phone connection too. This is not a threat it is a statement of truth. (Never said I was going to kit you off.)
I don't care whether you can or whether it's a statement- the fact of the matter is you have made me feel threatened. I can't afford to even have that crap talked about. That isn't cool with me at all, and you know what? It's over the stupidest reason too. I don't feel comfortable with you posting that garbage on my wall. If you said that to a staff member or even Cyp, I'm sure it wouldn't be taken lightly.
It's your little brain that doesn't understand anything. If It's a statement you have no rights to make a report. If I actually said it then yes, you could report me. It's how you process it that makes it sound like a ddos threat kid.
"Are you feeling laggy in kit" If you said that to me I would feel threatened. This is not right I mean anyone who has ddosed someone on Mineverse should be banned. You DDoSed the Co Owner... Jesus Christ.
I have no right? I just did. You have made a player feel uncomfortable in what you have said. I don't care whether you think I'm stupid- I am not familiar with what ddosing is and how it's done. As far as I'm concerned it's illegal, and by what you said, you made me feel uncomfortable and threatened. The sad part is, you don't actually care that you have made someone feel uncomfortable. What you said to me is scary.. It legit makes me shake. I'm sorry but that doesn't sit right with me especially after you ddosed the co-owner. Read over what you said in that link. Every word you said there, was a lie.
Sorry but I don't see valid proof that he was threatening you if you have more evidence please make another report. Locking and archiving