Hello I was just wondering if on HellBlock not being able to spawn the wither is a bug unless I am missing something? I tried it and it told me I was not permitted but I thought that that is how we get nether stars that we can use as diamonds just saying because it is impossible to get anything diamond because of this... (for the people who dont know what I am talking about on HellBlock, the new mini game thing, nether stars act as diamonds netherack act as cobblestone quarts act as iron and glowstone acts as gold but we cannot get nether stars because we can't spawn the wither...) my IGN is liamft123 if you are wondering how I have all that stuff I have ./kit titan and no we dont get diamonds from kit titan.
For now, Wither skulls are useless. We can't spawn the wither because Players with access to /fly Can lead the wither to other islands And/Or Spawn and destroy it.
can't you just disable explosions if they aren't already off? or even just make wither skulls like diamonds instead of nether stars? so you dont have to even spawn a wither
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