Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Ramiius The offender's ingame name: XxTyPoMaNiacxX A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: This player sieged both myself and entermatman. We both disconnected and accepted our fate. However, typo proceeded to grief the area and used offensive language, as shown in the screen shot. Typo apparently believes grieving is allowed in survival. screens provided.
Griefing is allowed. Swearing however is not. no /tempban in survival... :/ Can we please have that for instances like this one? /mute only works if the player is in game. Thanks ~Butts
I am not directly involved, but the forums rules allow me o post here as I am adding more evidence? I think you may have noticed, but in one of the screen shots, kubasliz is also swearing, which I believe is a level 2 infraction. Thankou, eco79 Server Rules: Global Server Rules: Do not grief, steal, or bridge (skyblock servers). You will be immediately banned, rolledback, and have your content removed. Do not ask staff members for items or staff positions. Do not advertise other servers. Do not scam anyone under any circumstances. Do not spam or use offensive language. Avoiding the filter and racism also counts as offensive language. (skyblock servers) Do not make new islands just to trade everything on them. This counts as new island farming. Respect all members of the staff team and your fellow players. Use common sense while playing on any of our servers. Failure to follow any of these rules will result in a kick, tempban, or permanent ban. I was under the impression it was not...
Survival allows a player to grief you if they successfully siege. It was your fault you left when he sieged.