My ign:NoobCupCake Offenders IGN: Ztanay Rule broken: this player continued to glide in the map winter to make it impossible to reach him Now if u watch where he is and where he goes you will find that you cannot reach the top of trees due to there not being a single way without hacking in some kind of way as i followed his every move. and in the end he glides over the foot path
Yes and I was banned for that fair and square, I was boosted up to that location and you saw it yourself.
Im sorry but u were not boosted up because from what i saw no zombie was near you when u did the parkour to get up because it was pregame
I was behind him during the pakour I boosted him then I went to kill people, your trying to cover up your mistake now
@NoobCupCake just so we get this clear. Noobcrew or Cypriot, installed some Anti-Hacking software. What it does is, prevents fly hackers (such as gliding) from happening. So gliding no longer works. So this report is invalid.
it wouldnt of been possible to have been boosted more then once because u wouldnt of been able to reach him and while i was watching him glide i didnt see him taking damage so yeah
all im saying is the jumps he made are impossible due to getting over the path is about a 5- 6 block jump
I do agree, but some spots on some maps, can be accessible if a zombie hits you up. If you don't agree with me, you need to.
You dont understand though he wouldnt of made it over the path even with someone helping him because the zombie wouldnt of been able to get close to him