Ingame name: Party509 Mods name: abol im not really here to report but abol has banned me from hell block for selling illegal items and i did i will admit i couldn't find my ban appall so I'm posting here the rule they MAY have broken is banning for no reason (I'm not sure is thats a rule) But the reason i did not remove the chest is because i was lagging and couldn't break the chest and i restarted my mine craft and by then I had to go to my do so service work so the rule he may have broken is abusing power I'm not sure but I'm asking you to please un ban me from Hell block i am sorry i didn't explain to abol that i had to leave be if u look back i shut my mince craft off. Point of this report: Not nessercillay to get him demoted its to bring to your attention that i was banned but i didn't get to explain why i couldn't get the delete my illegal selling shop (ps i got bad grade and grounded. Today i just started playing so i couldn't of got on cuz i was banned+grounded ) Please that into consideration the i may be unbanned i didn't get to reply to my ban cuz i was grounded thats my i didn't post in my defense srry if I'm postin here and its not what u where looking for but i couldn't find and where else to post that would be noticeable Again I'm am Sry-Party509
i know this isn't the place to post in my defense but i just needed to catch some1 with lots of power