Before you get mad at me, I'm reporting this because I find it wrong of him to be editing statues of others without their permission. If you say "this was for fun" or something along the lines, please do note these permissions were given to him to enforce rules, not play around with. Your ingame name: salamander9o, though this is irrelevant, as this is on Forums. Moderator name: Grayson. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: A moderator(s) status has been edited by him to say something along the lines of "I love Grayson". I see this as permission abuse, as the permissions given to him were not to be used in this way, they are used to edit out irrelevant/inappropriate content from posts/threads, and in this case, the statuses of these people in no way fit in the mentioned above categories, therefore marking this as unneeded, which would be classed as abuse. Evidence/screenshots. Screenshots of the statues obviously edited by him. (I can get Kirby and possibly others to confirm that it had not been them editing the status.) P.S: I am in no way targeting/attacking the reported moderator, I just find this to be abuse. @Grayson
When i came on MVF today i saw Grayson commented on my profile and said <3 then i saw ""My Post"" (Grayson's post) it said "I love Grayson so much. He's my soul-mate. <3"
I know Moderators consider this a joke. I meant no harm. If I knew people would be upset by it, I would have not done it. I didn't swear, it's just a simple edit. If they wanted their previous status back it's just a click of a button and a couple of letters. I've talked to staff in the Mod Chat, and I considered this as a joke, as did they. I don't find this that big of a deal, but some may. :P
Quite honestly,editing for no reason is still uncalled for. It's a permission used to edit out inappropriate content not make jokes. And I did not say you sweared, unless I made a typo.
Note that the statuses he changed were only from Moderators/Friends, ones that could change their status back to what it was before if they didn't want it to be theirs or change his. Did these status edits harm the server in anyway? No. Could one whose status was changed talk to him personally if they didn't take it as a friendly joke? Yes. This was a little bit of fun on his part that has done no harm to the server.
I reported this as the editing permission is still not to be used for no apparent reason but to joke around. ;p
Like I said, it has not harmed anyone. Everyone has fun with their perms time-to-time. I mean, if you didn't you're crazy. My point is; If it didn't harm you, why report it? In the perspectives of the, "victims" I did nothing wrong. I don't understand why this is such a big deal. Also, if you think I am the only one goofing around with perms, you haven't seen half of the Moderators kick each other from the gamemodes when we are joking. It doesn't harm anyone. I never intended to hurt anyone, nor did I.
[10:24:43 AM | Edited 10:24:47 AM] Alix | Sun: No, obiviously stated above is time for Grayson Day. o: Are you going to change everyone else's status? >_> [10:26:59 AM] Grayson | Beefy: No. [10:27:10 AM] Grayson | Beefy: Why would I change everyone elses? [10:27:10 AM] Alix | Sun: k, I feel honored. [10:27:15 AM] Grayson | Beefy: Gewd. (cat) [10:27:34 AM] Alix | Sun: Now that I think about, its actually pretty funnier than I thought... >_>
As you see, that was from the Moderator I was actually concerned doing it to. I didn't intend for her to be upset, but I stopped doing it as I know things can be quite annoying towards different people. I was being modest, but then she looked at it through a different perspective. :P
As I said a few times, I just find it unneeded to edit for no reason. If I'd see moderators kick each other, then I'd probably say something about it as it's just using your permissions to joke around, when they are supposed to be used to moderate, not to play around with them by kicking/editing things of others. ;p
We all get bored, we are humans. We all test our boundaries, and yes I have. Technically, using /fly and /god around everywhere can be considered messing with your perms. It just matters on how you look at it, like this situation.
My apologies for posting here, but does this really harm anyone? He just did it to some of his close friends. I'm sure the server has much bigger problems than this. And as Grayson said, , we all have flaws. That's what makes us so special.
Yes, it's unneeded, we've all got to find some sort of fun in our jobs, that's how we operate, even when I'm with Cyp, I see him messing around with people like smiting them or something. Anyways, my point is, we get the job done, but we have fun doing so.
I do understand that, however, you can just make a joke or something, not edit something for no reason but a joke. It's still not proper use of a permission given. I'm not trying to get you demoted, I'm just trying to point out that this is not appropriate for the situation. Editing differs quite a lot from /fly and/or /god.
I have protected this server from hackers, and I deal with situations everyday to keep this community nice and kind. I try to make everyone welcomed and such. Of course, I try to have fun. I don't do stuff with people on the server because I eventually get spammed to death. So, I do things with staff. I do things with out permissions. A while back, me and Pile did this to each other. We both didn't care, but we say and changed each other status'. It's all nice and fun. You can't just stay all grumpy and let everything have limits. I know things have guidelines, but we are human. We test them. This is the last time I'm posting here, as I think I have pushed my point accross.
Gray, while this report is about changing and or editing user content without their consent, I just want to bring up that you use to change moderator application thread titles often without asking the users first. Some players might not want that. I appreciate everything you do for this server, you are a wonderful moderator and I do not wish for you to be demoted but you tend to edit content for no valid reason. I know that status editing was fan and all, but was it necessary. I'm sorry for posting here and I am not taking sides.
The Moderator Application's have a format that they need to follow... Look at the pinned threads. I was doing my job.
Uh... It's the rules. My job is to enforce them, and that's what I did. I was helping, if they wanted their title a special way they can edit it like that. I only edited the name and country tag in (what's required to be in the title)...