Your ingame name: Firo3000 The offender's ingame name: ajnh17113 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Inappropriate sword name Evidence/screenshots.
I didn't know what an 'Anal Seepage' was, I searched it up and it is nothing to joke about. Although, I want another moderator's opinion on this, for I do not know what the punishment should be. Even though you no longer have it, that is inappropriate and childish to name your weapon such a thing.
okay i will face consequences and i hope no ban will happen i can deal with a mute for a days at most if such actions are necessary. :( i'm sorry. @Glaadiator @Alixilyn
What needs to happen here is the player needs to change the name on the weapon. Failure to do so and to use it again without changing the name or changing it to something else inappropriate and the weapon will be taken from them.
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately, the sword is missing. If/when I find the sword I will confiscate it and ask the owner to rename it. Closing.