Ingame name: Noobkiller114 Offender's Ingame name: eXile337 What rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming (2nd time) Evidence/screenshot: screentshot Please Perm Ban him, he got banned for the same reason but for some reason got unbanned @Alixilyn <--- You wanted to :P
Wow, he seemed to take things seriously. ._. I thought you said he offended you? There is only spam here.
Yes, so I banned him for that. He appealed, so I accepted and unbanned him. I thought you said he was being offensive to you again.
Last report i made was about him being disrespectful and spamming, it was successful and he got banned. But did he even make a Ban Appeal?..
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.