Your ingame name: Ducky_Puppy The offender's ingame name: TheSteeFlame and Oniontacobean A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Ban evading Evidence/screenshots. TheSteeFlame is unbanned. Onion got unbanned again 7 hours ago I am in fear that there is an abusive Moderator... @Alixilyn knows that someone unbanned Onion. Can TheSteeFlame please get rebanned and can someone check which Moderator is abusing or if its just a glitch? Thanks.
Me and the rest of the staff crew will look into this. In the mean time, they have been banned by Alix until further notice. Let's not quickly point fingers at others, until we are certain of the situation.
I suggest you stop now Ducky. The drama is real. We have no "abusive" staff. This thread is drama causing and solves no actual issues. Closing.