Your ingame name:oxrage789 The offender's ingame name:_NightShadows_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:cursing Evidence/screenshots.screenshots below
Him saying 'gay' doesn't mean that he is cursing since gay has two meanings. You don't know if he is saying gay in the bad way or good way. Except the one where he is saying the F word isn't so I think you should've only posted the 2nd screenshot since the F word is a full straight out curse word
gay isn't bad but you should not call people it. That word is always thrown around in today's world and people mean it to take it to offense.
The 1st picture is irrelevant, along with what people are saying above. The 'offender' said "we can be gay togeva" not targeting/calling anyone gay intentionally only himself and shadow, try viewing the pictures before posting. It came off as a friendly joke, so it seems. The second picture, fair enough.
Gay wasn't and still isn't an insult. Personally, its a word that a bunch of fools use since they lack the vocabulary to use an actuall insult. It previously meant happy or carefree like in christmas carols. Perverse society today deformed the meaning, thus making it refer to those who like the same gender. Second screenshot, I feel like is a good reason.
Okay! Everyone that is saying stuff about the first screenshot, we get it. Please stop talking about it and try to take action on the second screenshot. I have taken many screenshots of people bypassing the anti-cursing plugin...
I am not trying to be mean about people being who they are I am justing saying that young children play on this server and it isn't right if they start going around and using that word. Sorry for all the conflict with the first screenshot