1.PRINCEISBOSS1 2.ELIT3GHOST4 Lizard1680 Crafter18897 I am a very enraged partnt right now my daughter is crying because of some boys online that were making fun of her and greing her plot and then my wife came to the keyboard to ask them to stop soon the began to disrespect her also when i came to the keyboard the exact same thing happened and i do not appreciate this we spen 10 on a sponge thing my daughter really wanted and this boy stole and burnt her house down and kept on killing her and i want something dont becasue i will not watch my daughter cry like this. Sincerly, Karl http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2yltziw&s=8#.VB0Te_ldW3Q http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2dj5ssy&s=8#.VB0TqPldW3Q
*Sorry to be posting (Just thought it was something in need of pointing out)* Those hacks though in the top left corner...
Um... I wasnt hacking on skygrid i used to hack but i stopped when gladiator banned me so i havent hacked since then
But um I\what was i diong that was hacking or idk u are a mod so if u bann me it is for a good reason soo
OHHHH yea sorryim not gonna say it wasnt me cause it is my laptop so ill just write a hack appeal cause my lil sis plays onthis too and i never deleted the hacked client i had soo she was being bullied yesterday and i guess she had hacks on XDDD