Your ingame name: XarticXmaster89 The offender's ingame name: Beast_in and Swagger_boi A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: ForceField/ kill aura Evidence/screenshots.
actually my brother put it on and i dont know how to take it off he said it will help me and i dont even know how to use it XD
Dude a member of staff is going to probably ban you and them hackers...well done for having gemini cause that is what is gana get you banned
beast_in hacks, there was once one of those invisible hackers with hacked armour killing people then it said in the chat that beast_in was kicked and the hacker vanished... then the hacker re-joined then IT WAS BEAST_IN then he turned invisible again and continued killing... I know that no-one will believe this because of no proof, but I will remember what I saw that day...
XarticXmaster89 You are banned from factions server for using a hacked client. Even more so that you removed the video to cover it up. The video is so laggy that I can't even tell if it's hacking or just lag. Archiving.