When I played on your prison server, I was yelled at when I killed a guard. He said that I wasn't allowed to kill guards and that I must give him his stuff back or I would be jailed/banned. When I argued that this was incorrect (having read the ruled) he told me not to argue and the Head-guard stepped in stating that I was violating rules. As you can see here http://i.imgur.com/lmZVo5v.png I wasn't violating rules. After being threatened to be banned I finally gave in to the admin/guards and obeyed by the "New Rule." Shortly after, Ldm27 shot my friend Artixis. Artixis and I had been working a long time to earn what we had and as my friend ran to go sell his items, (Guard)Ldm27 shot him with his god bow almost instantly killing artixis. After the impact my friend was left vulnerable to attack and was killed by the blade of a noob. Ldm told me that he shot artixis to add a cool pvp effect. Earlier he has told me that he was there as a guard to protect and not let us fight. This doesn't seem to be why he was really there. He also said that he shot artixis because,"He can."As you can see here http://i.imgur.com/lmZVo5v.png he pretty much admitted to this. In the end I was banned as shown http://i.imgur.com/rlO7QtA.png and if you think this is fair then I don't know what is happening in this world... Please De-rank your guards and find people who are truly suited for the job.
Camel, Camel, Camel. I don't know why you waste so much time causing issues on this server. Allow me to eliminate the basis of your claims in point form shall we? You weren't yelled at for killing me when I was AFK. You were told to give the GUARD items back. Ie: armor and sword. Not once were you asked for any other items that were in my possession. Inmates in any prison are not allowed to kill the guards. It's a common concept within prison systems. Try picking up a book or you could even cheat and watch a movie that has any underlying truth about a prison system. Shawshank Redemption would be a good start. Upon insisting to continue with your arguments you were told by the head guard what the rules were and that you were not supposed to kill guards. Your incessant need to include the kill a guard 3 times and you will automatically go to a jail cell is invalid, as you weren't threatened any jail time whatsoever. Your view of time is quite odd. I shot your friend artixis, but it wasn't shortly after. It was at least an hour after the initial situation. I have my reasons for doing so, that which you are not privy to knowing. You were banned for one day for continuously discussing the guard killing issue and constantly questioning what I do as a guard. I do appreciate constructive criticism, so I thank you for bringing up my conduct that you feel is so unbecoming. I will allow any moderator/head guard/admin and up to comment on here. I'll tag a few that are familiar with the prison system. @KatoKillsMyGPA @Darkchyldeone
I Did indeed warn you that the Discussion was Over as You were flaming and twisting and refusing all we said. No-one Jailed you. I muted you for Ten Minutes to get you to Cool down. If You don't like what the staff has to say, then unfortunately, there is going to be issues.
FIRST: tags still don't work ( just letting you know LDM ) SECOND: if the rules have changed to killing a guard at all is against the rules, then it needs to be posted so players can be aware. UNTIL SUCH TIME, the logical thing for the guards to do is continue following the old rules because players are still gonna think the old rules are still in effect. THIRD: and just because you guys have got me going on this subject. LDM77, you are wrong that most prison servers don't allow the killing of guards. All I play anymore is prison servers and on none of the 15 or so prison servers I've been on have I seen a rule against killing guards so to me this "new" rule doesn't fit at all. ON ANOTHER NOTE: Would a previous guard ( AKA Cueball2001 or Pownthorian ) please clarify whether prisoners are allowed to have guard items for me because as far as I knew, we are allowed to have them.
First, tags do work. Second, it has never been allowed for anyone to kill a guard, who didn't actively engage in pvp. Third, I said NOTHING about prison servers. I said PRISONS. As for your other note, the HEAD GUARD stated that it is against the rules to kill a guard that isn't actively engaging in pvp. I hope this suffices your query and is logical enough for you to fathom. Thanks for reading.
I apologize then as far as i knew tags still didnt work. I failed to catch the part about not talking about ingame. but if ur standing in the pvp zone ppl r gonna hit u SO its not his fault he did it, he may be like me who runs in and hits whoever he sees. I said Cueball2001 and Pownthorian because they were the only 2 good guards I had thought of at the time
Ldm I do believe the server owner has authority over the head-guard. Until he says otherwise, you guys shouldn't change the rules.
If your standing in a pvp zone where players can get to you, your gonna get hit. END OF STORY. You guards have balconeys ABOVE the pvp zone...ALL OF THEM. If you don't want to be hit, THEN PLANT YOUR ON YOUR BALCONEYS AND KEEP THEM THERE. OTHERWISE, your gonna get hit...probably by me...and then your gonna rage because you died while you were AFK IN A PVP ZONE. It is YOUR fault if you go afk in a pvp zone and die so we won't be getting in trouble for killing you in one. You have balconeys above all the pvp zones that you can fly to. This is my last post on this thread unless I see good reason to post again.
LDM has banned me for "Hacking" when it was just pvp lag and i couldn't hit him and he couldn't hit me so he accused me of hacking and banned me. he should be de-ranked he doesn't deserve his rank