Your ingame name: OoCreeperZoO Moderator name: MrBeefCak3 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He jailed me for 2 hours and then instead of taking the bow out of my inv he took my other one out of my ender chest and I never been jailed for using a bow so he should've put me in for 1 hour Evidence/screenshots. No screenshots but Little_jord9 and everyone in the game so him type it.
Let's get started, shall we? You broke the rules, you do not have the right to complain about what you lost just because you broke the rules. I jailed you for 2 hours because the rules state that I can do so. Second of all, losing your bow was your fault. If you did not put it in your echest, I would not have mixed it up, nor do I think I did mess up. I took the other bow and gave you your other one back. I do not understand why everyone is reporting us for doing our job and actually giving you a chance to follow our rules.
Infact it is neccisery I hid my bow and he takes my other one out of my enderchest it had the same name but had different enchants that's unfair.
If you didn't want it to be mistaken, why did you hide it? Stop setting staff members up. This is ridiculous.
Your fault entirely, if you didn't hide it, the staff wouldn't have mistaken it for that. Next time, do not use contraband items, we don't want to hear reports of us for jailing players for using contrabands in the first place.
Because the one I hid is better xD would you really wanna lose a power V unbreaking III flame I infinity I bow? anyways I don't care. Ima go afk for a while cya.
Creeperz.... You know you should've been jailed yesterday and got off lucky. Came back, doing the same thing today expecting to get off easy again and you got caught. This report is invalid.
Just because you do what you want to do, makes it okay to break the rules? Here are some things I would like from you. Stop disrespecting staff. Respect our rules. Accept your punishment that you have received.
I'm not disrespecting and technically it's not a rule it's contraband it's contraband since in a irl prison you wouldn't have it it's contraband because players in prison can't get one. It's not a rule technically it's just a thing which he would not like us to use.
We are not mimicking IRL Prison. If we were, you would have been raped 17 times by now. No one would have weapons. It's in the rules. I just gave you the rules.
Anyways doesn't it count as stealing if you take something out of my enderchest which wasn't what I had on me?
How is it my mistake my mistake was using the bowyour mistake was you took the wrong bow aka stealing. I'll check this report in a few hours.
You know what you did was wrong. It states in the rules that a 2 hour jail is the maximum time, and I gave it to you. I did nothing wrong in this situation, as you were playing keep away with me. If you didn't want this to happen, you shouldn't have set yourself up for it.
This is preposterous. About to close this. If you didn't want it to get mixed up you shouldn't have hid it.
Creeperz you were jailed the appropriate time for your offence. You tried to hide your bow by placing it in your echest. Weather the bow he took was the one you used or was mixed up is inconsequential. You have no evidence of the the mix up nor any leg to stand on. You broke the rules and now pay the price. There's a good lesson to learn here tho... Don't try and hide the contraband. :s This report is invalid. Closing.