them say give my the iron or I wil raport you dragonseth and BraxtonBBT for saying give my the iron or wil wi raport you
I need you to fill out this format: Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots. Possible rules that could be in question include but are not limited to: Disrespect Flaming Cursing Advertising Also you need to have proof or nothing can be done. If you do not have proof I will close this thread. You have 24 hours to respond.
Relax. If no proof is posted in the time allotted, nothing to worry about then just be patient please.
So far as I know, nothing. That is why we are waiting for proof or no proof. If no proof, then nothing. If there is proof then you will see when I see.
i wish i knew how to post screenshots/videos on my reports because if i dont know then i wont be able to report people who bother me alot because alot of people bother me and bully me