Your ingame name: youngyyoungster The offender's ingame name: jibonbdcraft A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scaming. I bought chests at the front of his plot to sell stuff. I payed 75k and he said I could put chests at the front of his plot forever. But he kicked me from the plot and took all my stuff. I lost over 150k of trading stuff and the 75k I payed him. When I went online to ask him why he kicked me he came up with a pethetic excuse and said that he wanted me to move my chests, but when I payed him I payed for chests at the front of the plot not at the back or on the 2nd floor. We where hardly ever on at the same time so this convo was being done by signs He said once can you plz move ur chests and I replied we need to try to get on at the same time and then the next time I got on I was kicked from the plot Evidence/screenshot Our arguement This is where my chests where when I payed him This was a old pic the chests wernt like that when he kicked me I had 4 on the ground and 2 on either side so people could get though. And this is him selling my stuff that he stole I am pretty sure he is selling my strenght 2 pots my Invis pots my Gapples my gold and my enderchests and also my nether stalks because he wasnt selling that before he kicked me.
Wait what, I also warned you, I would take you off if you didn't remove your chests but you wouldn't. You kept making up these delays so you can keep them up. All I wanted was to redecorate the shop but you wouldn't listen. So ... I don't know what I've done wrong.
By the way stop taking screenshots and editing them, also put up all of our segment instead of those.
First of all I payed for those front chests so why should I remove them? And u told me to move them once and I said we need to try and getting on at the same time, I did not try to delay anything at anytime. And with our argument that I put up I put it all up.
Where am I breaking a rule. How was this even scamming, if only you took pictures of the signs that we were chatting in, this would clear up. So stop lying, I told you numerous times on the signs to leave. About 3-4 times was enough to say, but you still couldn't do it. So I needed Pile to remove them instead of you coming on late at night or so just to chat with me.
Jibon can u plz tell me a EXACT number of how many times you asked me not "numerous". And when I payed u 75k what was the deal we made?
This isn't a very well thought out reason to report me. Where am I scamming, I had you in my plot more then 15 days, and I wasn't tending to break your shop signs. Instead I asked you to do it yourself for a reason to draw more people in my plot. I wanted to add more people to make a profit, so they can store, sell, and buy.
Dude my chests wernt like they where in the pic when U kicked me my chests where on the floor players could EASILY get though the shop. U just thought here is a player who I can take advantage of and steal a lot of his stuff and most likely get away with it. Players like u really p*ss me off, U no that what u are doing is wrong but still do it.
If only you knew my head, you would understand I wasn't tending to break his chest shops on my own. He forced me too, because he wouldn't do it on his own. We took about 3-4 days chatting on signs just to do it. Then I got really mad that he kept delaying, he didn't even tell me the exact time to get on the next day so we can meet up. So what else could I've done. By the way he took a picture of a plot with his sign shops and then took a picture of a sign shop of mine, but he didn't show whose shop it is, no vital proof of that. Also I am telling the truth, me and youngy were friends until this happened.
Read all of that information, and you will see that I wasn't trying to remove his chests on my own. He wouldn't do it from the start, even though I asked him too. I still don't get what I have done wrong. I also WARNED him that I will remove them if he doesn't on his own. Only if he screenshotted those too, I didn't know this would be turned into a report so I didn't screenshot those on my own.
U told me to move THEM ONCE I was confussed because I did pay for the front chests didn't I??? So I said we NEED to get on at the same TIME and the next time I get on I was kicked? I did nothing wrong, I didn't even no where u wanted me to move them to. U kicked me to gain 75k and to make a even bigger profit from ur scam u decide to sell my stuff? If u really wernt trying to scam me u would have given my stuff back instead have sold it for ur own gane.
To be honest, I don't know what your saying. Also no I wasn't trying to scam you when I told you to move them on your own, so how was I scamming. By the way, don't lie about this. I asked you if you can move them to those chests behind the front chests for a while. So I don't know if you have memory loss or what, because I clearly told you to do that. Also I am not selling your stuff, I have my own items. If I showed you my plot 20, you would see all my items in my chests.
How am I rate abusing, I rarely rated. 'Everyone' was not the word I would say 'Me' because I rated you only. That was very ironic to say when this is a report, so I have the free will to talk. This report is on me, so I must defend myself.
There is not enough evidence to prove that he agreed to the deal and that you payed him. I can't do anything about this, i'm sorry.