1.mind_trap 2. (soon to be filled) 3. Island Trespassing, Disrespect The user created a warp on my private island and as a result everything alive on it was griefed. I have signs on my shop asking from people to respect my privacy and this user glitched out of my shop flew all the way to my island, created his/her warp and then he/she was advertising it to people! I want the help of a mod to determine who made this warp (/warp mind_trap) and ban him. 4. In the screenshots you can see how I was informed about the warp as well as the fact that I dont have access to it. I can do /warpinfo to the warps I own like /warp $tore which is my only one, but not to the /warp mind_trap. Please help me ban this disrespectful user, my island was griefed for one more time, 2nd time this week on a non pvp server. I want a mod with sufficient permissions to do /warpinfo on /warp mind_trap and give me the name of the greifer.