Ign Brazil2170 Offender Ducky what rule broken disrespect Well every since ducky got god his been bullying me calling me name and more then until one day i killed him and then me and shonal killed him then he put us on an hit list [Its an list that he uses the get players banned by making them rage and sadly me and shonal fell for it] Evidence I got proof but On my old pc I had tons Of proof of him disrespecting me in the past and so on http://gyazo.com/072d77176613b87ae38ec66345f9e604
You have no idea what my Hit list is. I have never bullied anyone and I never plan to. I would never stick to the level that shonal and his "gang of misfits" stick to. BTW If you have screenshots of what happened in the past I'm sorry but you can't report the player unless It happened in the pass few days. GG. ;)
I didn't do anything wrong in your link for gyazo. Which means I will not get banned. This report is pointless.
When have I not been nice? I'm sick of your faction thinking they can go around offending people. Jandalboi and raymondoman arn't the problems though. You have turned into shonals "sidekick" Like honestly just stop.
hahah why do i keep on repeating this You Raided me killed me tried to raid shonal then died :P and this was when we were friends.. Just lets let the mods handle this :
I didn't Try, I did raid shonal. You weren't even there so don't say I betrayed you. Like I said before there will be no punishment since there is no Bullying in the screenshots that you have provided.
He didn't do anything as far as i'm concerned. He just asked to stop the rate abusing. Locking and Archiving.