Your ingame name: God_Of_PvP14 The offender's ingame name: Camel45 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: nasty skin Evidence/screenshots.
Server rules for Prison: A bow or any sword besides a wooden sword in hand will result in 1-2 hours jail. Repeat offending will result in longer jails/possible temp ban. Lava/Flint and steel/Water buckets caught in hand will result in a 24 hour jail. Repeat offending will result in longer jails/possible temp ban. No selling contraband items. Prisoners caught selling will result in a 24 hour jail. Repeat offending will result in longer jails/possible temp ban. Placing blocks/chests in the tree farms is an automatic ban. Only allowing return upon accepting his/her ban appeal. Safe zone killing will result in a 24 hour jail. Repeat offending will result in longer jails/possible temp ban. Teleporting non free prisoners to the free world will result in a ban. Only allowing return upon accepting his/her ban appeal. Anything goes in the freeworld. (Chat rule still apply) So First Of All - No Rules Broken Second Of All: No Name To Prove It Was Camel45
There's a certain element of an expectation to be mindful of common sense on any server. Just because it's not explicitly listed in the rules for a specific server doesn't mean it's allowed... Inappropriate skins fall under such a category really.
@SomeGuy Yes, I realize that SomeGuy. Thanks for the affirmation. I just wanted to justify what the rules were and were not. Thanks again though.
You can't see the name in the screenshot, making that insufficient evidence. A name tag is needed for action to be taken, because otherwise we can't prove that it was him. You have 24 hours to supply valid proof. Otherwise, I will have to close this report for invalid evidence.