you had hacked in stuff smite v and sharp v on same sword plus i dont have any of your stuff i can show the sword if needs must
Server Rules: Global Server Rules: Do not grief, steal, or bridge (skyblock servers). You will be immediately banned, rolledback, and have your content removed. Do not ask staff members for items or staff positions. Do not advertise other servers. Do not scam anyone under any circumstances. Do not spam or use offensive language. Avoiding the filter and racism also counts as offensive language. (skyblock servers) Do not make new islands just to trade everything on them. This counts as new island farming. Respect all members of the staff team and your fellow players. Use common sense while playing on any of our servers. i broke none of the rules
The proof you've given us is insufficient. All he said was the warp name in the screenshot, therefore we cannot ensure that the warp is a death warp. Locking and Archiving.