In-game name: DJADerek Full exact Ban Message: I forgot but I was kicked, for advertising...? Game mode banned on: [Kit PvP, factions etc] Infection Did you read the rules ? Yes Why do YOU think you were banned? Not banned, but muted, but for advertising Was this an incorrect ban? Yes Were you ever banned before on Mineverse? If so, what for? Hacking on Kitpvp Why do you think you should be unbanned? I was muted for advertising, but yet I wasn't advertising a server ip and spamming it or anything on Infection. But Im guessing I said "I saw your report mamacatmeow that you were cussing at someone". I didn't know that was advertising (If it is), if yes, I'm sorry for advertising I wasn't meaning it in that type of way when I said it on Infection. Please unmute me, it won't happen again
If you say "Bonjour, Comment ça va?" It mutes you( that language is French) (and it means Hello, How ate you doing) so I believe him :p
This is not something you can appeal. The console is very sensitive in that game and mutes people for almost no reason a lot of the time. Ill check if you are in game and unmute you if not, wait it out.