Your ingame name: God_Of_PvP14 The offender's ingame name: sebiathan A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: scamming Evidence/screenshots. ps: If you didn't know this is another way of scam. I bought a chestplate from his shop and he killed me so tech thats scamming hes getting the money and chestplate back while i lose money and the chestplate. GG dude
OMG Im scared to go to seb's plot when hes on :O (sorry for posting) We can compare this to scam chest but scam chest gives you lower cash but in this case you get nothing.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned. Mistake on the rules on my part... Lava killing is only a 24 hour jail. I see no proof of a scam here as there is minimal proof of the lava killing even being done by Seb. Still, jailing the player for 24 hours. Thank you for the report.