My Ing game name : iMac20II Offender In Game Name : Laura_or_is_it [Moderator] [Recently demoted for inactivity and banned for a reason I do not know of. Description of how they broke the rules : {Moderator} Laura_or_is_it, Made up a rule today stating that she does not like foul language. She then continues to talk about CypriotMerks hates her, And then she starts using shorts forms of swearing such as Ofc Which is rude in the sense that she has just stated that she does not want cussing. I tell her " If you want players to stick to the rules you have to stick to them yourself " I also state words that players could use such as "Knt" "atane" ( Which is a place i new zealand ) Things like this. She continues to Use words such as Ofc and gives me a mute. Above all Of this I asked her a few months ago to watch a video of Ryan2624 hacking, I even sent her the video over skip but she did not do anything about it, Today she also denied looking into a hacker which multiple people have seen going around with noknockback Thanks iMac20II
The servers are meant to be kept at a PG level (This includes no swearing, sexual harassment, etc.) and I fail to see the rule being broken by Laura_Or_Is_It. I believe the rule would have already been put in place, since it is on many of Noobcrews servers already. In addition, the abbreviation, 'ofc' means ofcourse.
Know you guys are just standing up for her... The term "ofc" Is a another term for saying "of fu**ing course" If you guys didn't know, And if you don't know you do not keep up with daily life and have no life.
I do keep up with daily life and are offended that you are attempting to harrass users because of envy. When used in all caps, yes, the term does change to 'Of f***ing course,' but, otherwise, the term 'ofc' is simply used in IM's to represent of course. l am a very equal person, and will not just 'take sides' or 'stick up' for something that is wrong.
Do US all a favor and being a stupid brat. 1. OFC means of ing course. 2. ofc simply means of course. 3. There are So many short forms or abbreviations for curse words used on kitpvp that its not uncommon to see one every two minutes. I have seen u use some while I'm on the server and I'm not on kitpvp very much because I'm always on oppvp, prison, or one of the servers I moderate. So You have no place to talk
Ok, I know why you're doing this, I killed you on prison and your mad dude its a game calm down haha. You do not moderate anything all you do is insult players, PWahhahahaha and brat? Look at your self If ofc stands for "Of course" Why is there only one letter for course and too for of? Dude keep up with the play haha You think your smart and know everything so arrogant on prison xD Im sorry dude but its a game. I was thinking over the night over christmas and Idc if I'm muted i have other god accounts i can use that i have retrieved the passwords too its ok Il just wait until I'm unmuted
U never killed me on prison dipshit I never go thru the PvP zones Noob. So... idk what taking about but please shut up nd stop trying
Stop trying? Multiple people have seen me kill you multiple people have seen you rage lol, Not my fault stop acting like a moderator. Haters gonna hate you be killing my vibe bro and tbh Idc what you have to say ^.^
Idk wat u mean by u have killed me multiple times bc u havent nd if u think u have I hope uu feel accomplished with killing a ghost because I never go in PvP zones. I'm gonna be the mature one here and stop posting here. Hope you have a nice life nd merry Christmas to you
Keep all off topic Arguments off of the reports sections, Off topics includes what Legends has said, Also includes also And If you all are going to bicker about and argue, take it to a conversation, not a report thread
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