I got scammed bye XX Dragon 565 XXX I'm braxtonbbt he stole every thing i have my evidence is that all my friends know what happens I'm not on at the moment trust me plz I lost every thing I was litterly crying
What server did he scam you on? Please full this report forum out to. Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots.
Braxtonbbt Xxxdragon565xxx He broke disrespect bye stealing everything I had I have a screen shot but I don't know how to post it and my freinds know it's my house
He scammed me bc I was gonna switch house and buy his house then he stole mine when I unclaimed it and said thx for all the free stuff and the house
Braxtonbbt Xxxdragon565xxx Disrespect and scamming I got a screenshot but I don't know how to post it my freinds know it's my house
Stop spamming! We cant do anything about it unless we have SOLID proof! Until then, this is in the wrong place, it shouldn't be report a staff.