Ign: 3yerrt Their Ign: jbug02, DragonSlayer_02 Hack: No-clip Before the game had started they had used the hacked client "No-clip" (I believe that is what it's called) to get through an iron door, later Sciberboy and nagtalon used a redstone torch to get in (Not hacking)
It would be better if you posted the evidence on a video If you want to get a recording software use the URL: http://downloadser.com/camstudio/ and http://download-i.com/softwares/493650
Thank you but my computer is not strong enough to record, I have tried before, and my frame rate drops rapidly if I do...
Ok you can take the bad way though If you have an Ipod Or Ipad or something you can go to piture's swipe it to record and once your done the video upload to youtube then put the link on the fourms and it will apear as A video
you don't need to record to ban hackers.....ive banned about 60 or so hackers simply by using screenshots.
You don't have to but If you need to get a screenshot of them hacking into the door you need to record
lrobbo, why would I lie, I'm very well known on Infection and they opened the door before the round started....
This is all true this function is called v clipping this allows you to teleport through walls it is not possible to get in before the round starts because a red stone torch is the only way to get in and this is only possible after the round starts.
I'm just going to lock and archive this as it doesn't proof much, they could of gotten a redstone torch and went in. 'No-clip' or Free-cam is catchable with recording (screenshots for catching no-clip only work for the beginning of the rounds as they have no torch to get into) If you find these two player hacking, feel free to make another report