Your ingame name: MCExplore Moderator name: MrBeefcak3 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He threatened to ddos me and lobby ban me because he said that I said I was gonna "Ddos him per Skype" I don't even know how to ddos plus I never said that. If he has proof that I said that I would love to see it.
If you're reporting a moderator please make sure you have solid evidence or don't make a thread at all. If you false report a moderator just to get them demoted you will be punished. @Firo3000
This is not a false report. You were in the call and you heard everything. I told you right there and then that I am not trying to ddos you
Well, first of all, there is no proof so you are falsely accusing Beef of something he never did. Second, I know beef and he won't say this type of things Closing and archiving as no proof is provided
You are clearly lying you got mad cause you got raided. Then you added us to a call with a guy named "Chocolatebros" you told him to DdoS us But He Failed Beefy gave his Ip to him. He failed again. Then he started lying and he said I was joking.
To be fair. I know it may be hard to trust, but I was in a call with MCExplore(before Grayson was even added) That's when MCExplore added ChocolateBros and said to me that she wanted Chocolate to DDOS him. It was on factions. This only started because MCExplore got raided on her new base. On the other hand, she has no proof of this incident, and until she does, this thread is meaningless.
Solid evidence is needed for higher authorities to take action, they can't just demote trusted staff members just because of what we said. I trust Grayson with anything so I doubt he said this, unless of course you show evidence, but I doubt that'll change my perspective for him.
I think you're only doing this because you don't like Grayson... Nothing will happen without solid evidence. He will not get demoted if that was what you were going for.