Your ingame name: MC_supa_star The offender's ingame name: P0rkChopFTW and MCwarrior505 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: griefing and tryin to kill me this is my island they joined and after a day I come back and they they are lighting stuff on fire breaking blocks and they started putting lockette signs on my chests so I cant get in. Evidence/screenshots
In the report you said that they joined your island, which means you allowed them there, then the next day they griefed it.
O they tpa to me yesturday they said I am bored and no one will let us join an island. So I let them tpa then I got on today and it was all mostly gone
Well you let them tp there.. that is kind of your fault.. is there anyway you can prove that you had sent sponges?
Ok. Do you understand my predicament? I can't really do anything without proof of them being there. Also as it states in the announcements in game that it is still new and buggy, sometimes the sponge glitches and doesn't protect like it is supposed to. Nothing we can do about it until someone higher up fixes it :(