SourPatchSpartan Is being very disrespectful to me and all the other titans. He is saying I am fat when he has not even seen me. He is calling Us mean names and insulting everybody. He is also pvp logging in combat and is not dieing please ban him. Also my in game name is Bloodymess506 and he is saying BloodyIdiot506 Thank you, Bloodymess506
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots.
Bloodymess506 SourPatchSpartan SourPatchSpartan Is being very disrespectful to me and all the other titans. He is saying I am fat when he has not even seen me. He is calling Us mean names and insulting everybody. He is also pvp logging in combat and is not dieing please ban him. Also my in game name is Bloodymess506 and he is saying BloodyIdiot506
Once again can you not have any conversations in this thread...if you want to talk PM eachother ( respectfully) and talk it out. But right now just wait for a moderator to handle this thread
Arguing will get you no where, and neither will spamming this thread. Mods can't do anything about this if you show no proof, so instead of arguing, why not find some evidence and post it? Last time I'm commenting here...
This report does not contain enough evidence for the Staff to issue punishment to the player. Locking and Archiving.