Your ingame name:Ankkamus Moderator name:mrparkourguy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Abuse Evidence/screenshots. ^^^^ I was bullyed for my ADHD and ADD Was called a cu** A better view of him calling me a cu**
I was also banned with out any warnings because I told mpg that no one liked him because of his adituide and his inappropriate humor towards females Inappropriate humor
@MrParkourGuy I know I'm not a mod, but I do want to ask, you could make a fake account named "Mrparkourguy" and change the nickname.
Lol, MPG is doing his job. As you can see in this screenshot you tried DDoSing MPG with your failed attempt. PLEASE LOCK AND CLOSE THIS THREAD. UnHidden Content:
This is all skype. Sorry but what happens in skype is your business and if you dont like it block him and delete him. None of this is related to what happened in game.
Ok, first of all, what is said on anything other than mineverse doesnt matter to his job here. If he cursed at you on a mv server, then we would have a different problem 2 nd. You effectivly banned yourself. you are camel in the screenshotts but your profile says your ankkuamus. Now, we all know camel got perm banned, so are you saying you are camel and your ban evading with this account, which is a player account as well. So you just banned yourself bro.
Ok, he said you could, but it is nothing that can be enforced through mineverse as none of this happened on mineverse or the forums. Block him on skype if you dont want to talk to him
I think what was said by MPG over skype went too far. It was unkind and over the top. He was obviously angry. You had threatened him... [11:56:53 AM] Camel ;): [11:57:37 AM] Camel ;): Im Not tying to blackmail you Im just saying than could happen an anytime you really piss me off We all know how it feels when you are threatened. I am not making excuses, just stating facts. You were banned for disrespect because what you said was disrespectful: While it is your opinion you went about it in a disrespectful way. That was why you were banned. What happens outside of game is out of our control here. In my opinion he should have blocked you when he banned you and you started raging. Period. However he did not. I am unhappy with how he treated you, and equally unhappy with you threatening my staff. You both were in the wrong here. As for the alt account, I will be banning it for ban evading. I will leave this thread here for MGP to respond. However I will not hesitate to lock it if it gets out of control.