Minecraftchic333 keeps on getting the server to crash! She's spamming enchanting tables anvils falling sand falling water falling and stuff along those lines, If you need screenshots there are some below.
It's just my plot i cleared it when i went off then a few of my friends were messing around. So not my fault.
......please clear this plot omg... I'm near that plot and i'm getting 1 fps... I cant do anything...
It was all meh ._. If anyone has to get bunn'd, make it me.. dont blame mc chic, she had NOTHING to do with it. And that liam guy was just there watching me. I just brought her to her plot to show her what it looked like now. Im sorry for what Ive done and it will not happend again. PS, if someone bans meh, at least get someone to claim my plot haha :p
Ohh and if I do get banned, I wont even bother make a ban appeal because I know that what I did is wrong and its not an incorrect ban and I deserve it anyways.
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