My ingame name: M0NSTERPVP His in game name: Xelnagahunter What did he do: Muted me for saying "GG Kids, I have better things to do, cya" Explanation: I was arguing with Klutzy and BuilderNicky, and Xel comes on and tells us to stop, so I do, I dont say anything to either of them for about 2 minutes and in that time I was fighing some people and I said "GG Kids" (Note I'm not talking to Klutzy or Builder) and he mutes me for 24 hours? What is this?! You get muted for 24 hours for saying "GG Kids" This is ridiculous. Proof:
Misunderstandings happen. This shouldn't make Xel look bad, he was only trying to prevent a conflict. The mute time was a little overboard, yes but these things can be figured out and we can solve it. I am going to wait for Xel to comment on this, to tell his side of the story.
I had given ample warnings that I was going to mute players for continuing the conflict. Your posts before my warning warranted punishments but I was giving you the benefit of the doubt but then you said the last thing. You may not have intended it to be towards the argument or insulting to those people in particular, but it came across that way. As you can see, I had just finished defending you when I felt I had to mute you for the comment. Is 24 hours excessive? Maybe, but other players muted for that argument got the same amount of time. I do what I do for the server, I'd prefer not to punish players at all. Besides, the mute was temporary and was going to expire, 24 hours isn't bad considering your time can pass while you are not logged in. p.s. I also give harsher punishments than other mods, I've been doing it longer and I refuse to become "softer" when people complain about me.