1). Pearson962). codabo3). using fly hacks4). in the photo you can see that he is jumping higher than what is possible in game and is actually above the black wool blocks on the top which you cant get on top of
Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots. Use teh format please
It kind of looks like he is Jumping not Fly hacking. Plus if you done a Video it would be more Easy for the mods to see if he is hacking or not.
I have no video recording software, from the image it's quite clear for me anyway that he is at the same height as the blocks in the air on 12 to restrict jumping which you can't get jump as high.
Pearson first of all are you using Windows or Mac? If you're using Mac then the best recording Software is Screenflow or Quicktime player. If you're using Windows then try out Fraps or Bandicam.
I'm not that bothered to actually record people, I saw him hacking. I screenshotted it and put it on here. I don't go looking for them
I can tell that he is jumping higher than normal, but sometimes there is lag, and players may look like they are 1 block higher or lower than normal, so when he was jumping it would've appeared as you saw it as.
Pearson. First of all Screen shots don't always do the Job, Screenshots are good for Spamming, Swearing or Cursing. Second of all you should start recording because it is way Easier for the Moderators to see if he is hacking or not.
I understand this, but you can see from the chat I said he was hacking, then screenshotted him seemingly too high to jump. I don't know him, I'm not that bothered. But why else would I say he was hacking? He flew all the way from the start of 12 straight to the end