Your ingame name: NoahGuyRyders The offender's ingame name: YOLO708 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming Evidence/screenshots. Screenshots Statement : A Player Named YOLO708 Said In Chat That He Is Selling A Sharp V Sword And Prot 4 Armor For $255. I Accepted His Offer And Paid Him First... Then He Gave Me A Sharp 4 Sword And Prot 2 Armor Which Is Not The Correct Set. He Then Started Playing Innocent But Wouldn't Look At The Set He Gave Me Note : I Don't Know If This Evidence Is Enough. But It Is The Best I Got...
***Sorry for posting*** Please do not comment on a ban appeal/report if you are not directly related. Also, reports aren't meant to be supported.
Do you have any kind of proof stating the deal that was agreed on? Also I would need proof of the armor that was received showing what enchants it has on it. There is a lot of missing information here. A lot of screenshots are needed for a scam or the best thing is to record all trades. I am not saying record 24/7 but you can turn on a recording software for a trade, then there is no doubt in proof if you were to be scammed. I will await your response if there is more proof to add. If there isn't then I will have to close it. :(
Oh Okay I'll Show You The Armor And Weapon He Gave Me Once Again It May Not Be Enough But Its The Best I Got Kind Regards NoahGuyRyders Note : The Set In My Hotbar Is The Set He Gave Me I Felt It Was Necessary To Show You My Inventory And Ender Chest Also Please Note The Prot 4 Chestplate I'm Wearing Was From An Auction
I'm confused. You said he gave you prot 2 but i see prot 3.? Also, which resource pack is that. Where can I get that resource pack.
That's My Enderchest Set, The One He Gave Me Is In The First Couple Of Screenshots At The Top Of The Page Also The Resource Pack I'm Using Is Made By Me So Its Not Released To Public.
I asked why he said prot 2 armor but showed us both prot 2 and 3 armor. Then I asked which resource pack he is using because I do not know him and I don't play kit pvp.
I know. I was saying you should ask him for his resource pack elsewhere. The question about the armor was fine. :/