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  • Survival Need help.[Lack of Evidence]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by Carmiel, Feb 28, 2018.

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    1. Carmiel

      Carmiel Active Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      This is Carmiel. I want to report a player who kept harassing me. TemTehCat created a claim right next to mine and planted a tree in front of my gate to lure me out of my claim. This is after they caught me outside my claim and killed me. Then began killing my dogs to get me outside my claim to kill me one more time. Now I can't remove the tree and they now have access to my claim anytime they want. I would like to be able to keep people out.
      If this harassment is allowed, would someone at least please remove the tree? I can't ignore them when they barge onto my claim and get in my face.

      Attached Files:

    2. Carmiel

      Carmiel Active Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      To update, TemTamCat has set multiple warps on my island claim to harass me. Today he showed up and killed the two dogs I have just tamed. They are a menace and need to be banned for life. They are ruining my enjoyment of your server. PLEASE HELP.
    3. Ordi

      Ordi Mythical Member Premium

      Apr 23, 2014
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      Unfortunately, we cannot do anything about it as we are missing major evidence on the claimed actions against the offense, TemTehCat. Either way, these actions are permitted because they are not a form of harassment in any way.

      For your tree issue, since it is in the player's claim, we cannot modify any claims due to the fact that we don't have permissions to do so. Even if we did have permissions, it would be abuse since we would not be allowed to modify claims of a player without their permission. Although it is blocking your path outside your claim, abusing like so would not be allowed.

      To add a note to this, if this player is constantly harassing you, I suggest that you move out to a different area, far away from your current claim. That way, if the player wants to find you, they will have a harder time finding you. Also, do not trust this player in any way, even if they ask for a teleport to you. They will most likely want to continue these same actions towards you.

      That said, this report will be locked for the lack of evidence provided. Sorry
    4. Ordi

      Ordi Mythical Member Premium

      Apr 23, 2014
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      Thank you for the report.
      Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient.
      Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
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