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  • Survival Griefing and harassment[Already Banned] ~lost

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by BlueBoxOfWonder, Jan 21, 2018.

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    1. BlueBoxOfWonder

      BlueBoxOfWonder Active Member

      Oct 12, 2015
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      Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include:
      1. Your ingame name:
      2. The offender's exact ingame name:
      3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:
        This user has been harassing and griefing me. They killed me first for no reason (understandable, it is survival). But then they claimed plots ALL AROUND my plot so that I could not expand. Then they said they would unclaim it for money (I'm sorry I didn't get a shot of that. Chat was moving too fast. I told them no. They called a friend [The friend is Catxa, their username is in the second blaze shot) to them, and together they laid out spawns near the front of my house and tried to get me killed with them (since they can't kill me themselves on my own plot). Then after a while they tried to message me. I wanted nothing to do with them. They said they are "Still griefing me". Honestly, I just came back from a break I was on while I waited for survival to reset. I just want to start over and work my way back up in peace and they're just harassing the hell out of me. I'm disappointing to see that this is what Mineverse has become. If this is all the entitled feeling ranked people do, I'm not sure if I want to play anymore.
      4. Evidence/full screenshots:
        (Claims around mine. They where not there until he found and killed me. Again he offered to remove them for money. I said no. Not only is that wrong, but I'm now broke because of the reset so I have about 1,000 to my name):
        (Him talking to me after, AKA, he still hasn't left me alone):
        (A clear screenshot of his username. I'm clearly hiding in my mud shack so he can't harass my avatar anymore):

        Being as the reset has made me start over, even though I don't have much I really don't want to start all over once again. I was just getting into shaping the land how I wanted it. Not much else I can do now. Guess I'm done playing until this is resolved because I can't go out and do things without fear of him coming back and killing/harassing me more.
    2. BlueBoxOfWonder

      BlueBoxOfWonder Active Member

      Oct 12, 2015
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      Update: They came back to harass me some more. As you can see I've been hiding inside my mud hut this whole time because I really don't want to deal with them. It's on my little claim so they can't break my blocks to get in. They were trying to do something they called "ejing"? I've no idea what it is. They said my hut was EJ immune though, which I guess is a blessing because they couldn't seem to get in and I am still safely inside it alone.
      They also seemed shocked that I was still holed up. Asriel even said "wow".
    3. BlueBoxOfWonder

      BlueBoxOfWonder Active Member

      Oct 12, 2015
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      Update x2: I'm not sure if you guys had anything to do with this, but upon logging in this morning their claims have been removed:
      (I also accidentally got 2 cases of filter avoidance in my screenshot. That's funny)
    4. BlueBoxOfWonder

      BlueBoxOfWonder Active Member

      Oct 12, 2015
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      Update x3: He's come back online and is harassing me again. Also threatening to blow me up. First he swept through, opening all my doors and digging that small trench in my front yard (first photo) then he came back a bit later and really started at me (rest of the photos). I think he also tried to lure Zombies in to kill me (like with the blazes before), but I put wood blocks up so he couldn't come in and neither could they (last photos).

      (Look at the chat from him):
      (He tried. He failed):
      (He started bringing Zombies so I put a wall up. They went after him instead):
      (He killed them and then just stared at me safely behind my wall):

      After this he disappeared. Idk where he is and I'm in no hurry to leave my house and find out. Note in the last screenshot the sun is now coming up, and in the last ones it was up/going down. He was at this for an entire minecraft night.
    5. BlueBoxOfWonder

      BlueBoxOfWonder Active Member

      Oct 12, 2015
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      Update x3 (part 2):
      I couldn't see it before because I couldn't get far enough outside my house, but he once again laid down a claim near mine to expansion block me and make it so I couldn't tear down the explosive structure he put up:
    6. BlueBoxOfWonder

      BlueBoxOfWonder Active Member

      Oct 12, 2015
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      Update x4: They tried getting a Titan rank friend of theirs to "ej" into my base, I still don't know what that is. But after I explained to the Titan person that Asriel is harassing me they said they wouldn't ej and would go away. So I thank Fish for that. Before this happened they (Asriel) stalked me while I was fishing and stole one of my fish as I caught it. This is some high dedication trolling & harassment here.
    7. BlueBoxOfWonder

      BlueBoxOfWonder Active Member

      Oct 12, 2015
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      Update x5: Well. He cobbled me. So. That's a thing. Great.


      ALSO: He added more claims, blocking me in on all sides like he did in my very first message:


      I'm sorry these posts are so numerous but he really is hardcore after me.
    8. BlueBoxOfWonder

      BlueBoxOfWonder Active Member

      Oct 12, 2015
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      Well. They locked me out of my own furnaces now.
      I'm going to bed. Hopefully something can be done about this. It's getting unbearable. If action is taken I would like admin assistance in unlocking all my furnaces and removing his claims around my land.

    9. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Thank you for the report.
      The reported player has already been banned.
      This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
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