My ingame name is RealMavvrick. The person ingame name that i would like to ban would be TryToReachMe. They broke the rule scamming. So i have a video ready so we aggreed to a protection 4 unbreaking 3 depthstriders 3 set for $230 and he only gave me a plain set. So this is the link to my utube vid. PLEASE tell him to give my $130 back or he will be banned i would had glady pay 100 for that. if he does give me my $130 back dont ban this poor dude. Also if he is not on then just ban him. ;/
He didnt state that it should be a set of p4 and unb3.. What the guy probably thought that only the boots needed to have it. Sorry for the hidden content.
Unfortunately, the deal wasn't elaborate enough because he did say "p4 with p4 ub3 ds3" at one point. That said, this will be locked for the lack of evidence provided. Sorry
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff